Freitag, 11. Juli, 2014: Internet – Reform Symposium Conférence 5
Reform Symposium Conference 5
Datum: 11.7.2014
Zeit: 3:30pm UTC (= 17:30 Uhr MESZ)
Ort: Internet, 5. Reform Symposium OnlineConference – „Future of Education“
Session: Be a Maker, not a Taker: Hacking (Music) Education
Short Session Description: This session shows mobile learning scenarios using tablets, apps and the web to produce music & content, share it & have fun making stuff 🙂
Session Strand (use the „tag“): music, highered,
Name and Title: André J. Spang
School/Organization Name: Kaiserin Augusta Schule, High School, Cologne, DE
Twitter Handle (@name): @Tastenspieler
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Germany, Europe
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience: highered, makerspaces, mlearning, music
Full Session Description: I am conducting a mobile learning project using tablets and Webtools at a German secondary school since 2011. I am producing music, apps, Vines, Blogs and ebooks with the students of my music classes and with students at local University of Applied Sciences. During the session I will show many best practices, concerning: Continue reading „OnTour: #rscon5 Reform Symposium eConference, 11.7.14“